
Dr Anne Grant

Dr Anne Grant has taught in the early childhood field, at both pre-school and primary level, for many years, working with children who have a range of abilities from those identified as gifted through to children with severe developmental delay.

Her research has been on the topics of how parents identify their own child as gifted and how giftedness influences children in making a successful transition from one learning environment to the next.

She is a co-author of the DEECD Resource “Making a Difference for Young Gifted and Talented Children” and provided the foundation content for the Raising Children Network online material on Raising Gifted Children. Anne was invited to participate in an Expert Reference Group on the education of gifted and talented children convened by Victorian Department of Education and Training (DET).

She has taught Gifted Education subjects at a Masters level for more than 5 years in the University of Melbourne and is currently involved in preservice teacher education at Deakin University.

As well as writing on the educational needs of young gifted children, Anne is involved in providing teacher in-service sessions for the Victorian DET on meeting the needs of young gifted children in the classroom. She has published in both national and international journals on the topic of young gifted children and presented on these topics at conferences in Australia and internationally.

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